How Superman in Live Action Changed Overtime
As of late, with the upcoming release of the new Superman movie, I’ve seen a lot of so-called “DC” fans voicing their displeasure due to a minute-and-a-half trailer and some out-of-focus pictures on set, as well as from people trolling the internet. James Gunn is starting something new here. He is trying to develop a cohesive universe, just like everyone has been complaining about wanting from DC. Now you’re getting it but don’t like his changes or ideas. I never thought I’d care for or like a movie about the Guardians of the Galaxy. Through his work on that and his Suicide Squad movie, I’ve come to really enjoy his works. With new control of these franchises comes change. It’s not the first time and won’t be the last. Here is a little history about Superman himself in film, since it’s the first big movie in the new startup DCU.
In 1951, George Reeves took on the first live-action role of Superman. In ‘The Adventures of Superman,’ he portrayed the “Dudley Do-Right” version of Superman. He was all about TRUTH, JUSTICE, and the AMERICAN WAY! He portrayed the ultimate boy scout, akin to the original version of the character that appeared in comics since the 1930s. He was a role model to kids on screen and in public. He cherished the role after originally thinking it was nothing special. He expected it to be a low-budget TV show no one would see, until the realization hit him that kids were infatuated with his character. The show was a lighthearted romp similar to the 1966 Batman series.
As the years went by, the big screen was ready for Superman in the late 1970s. When Christopher Reeve donned the cape and trunks and the John Williams score played, everyone believed a man could fly. While Christopher Reeve’s portrayal was, in many ways, similar to George Reeves in the boy scout persona, he did have some changes. His Clark was a bumbling fool in contrast to his role as Superman. His Superman also showed a little more emotion at times. He would let loose with his anger in situations, which made sense to the audience at that time. Of course, he would be mad in those scenarios from the movie. That’s something you would seldom see from the George Reeves show. That being said, George’s show was targeted towards kids, while Christopher’s was aimed at general audiences. The character had to grow and change for the maturing audience and the changing times since the 1950s.
Christopher Reeve continued on as Superman for an additional three movies through the 1980s. During this time, a shift in society began to move towards a more punk and rebellious nature for the younger generations. This transition heavily influenced comic book movie adaptations like Batman (1989), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990), etc. Christopher Reeve’s Superman fell to the wayside for an upbeat but more romanticized version of Superman that focused on the Clark Kent side of the character just as much, if not more so, than the Superman side.
In 1993, Dean Cain took on the mantle of Superman in the series ‘Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman.’ In this, a young Dean Cain played the roles of Clark and Superman fairly similarly. The roles were only distinguished by his Clark side showing some awkwardness and self-confidence issues. The show focused on the romantic relationship that was slowly developed with Lois over the show's run, which was the main focus. It pulled in audiences from all sorts due to the romantic storylines mixed with action and superhero antics. It was a fairly stark contrast to the portrayals of Superman before, though. Cain’s Clark Kent wasn’t always the straight and narrow guy. He brought more humanity to the character by showing Clark using his powers more in secret or in some moments of levity. It made the character more relatable to the ‘everyman’ audience. The show ran its course, but with a lacking budget and falling viewers, it eventually faded away.
In 2006, 19 years since the last silver screen Superman movie, Brandon Routh brought him back to life. In a movie designed as a sequel to the original four movies, Superman returned to Earth after being away for years. Unfortunately, the disconnect from the other movies due to style, casting, and the growing societal culture meant the movie wasn’t received well. For lovers of the original movies and the comics, it still fit Superman’s persona, but the plot of a child, mixed with the different cast and a departure from the tone modern comic readers were used to, wasn’t enough. Routh did go on to portray his Superman one more time after the movie in a CW TV crossover event, but the MCU for an episode or two. Society and maturity had just changed so much since the 1970s and 80s that the audience could not connect with this version of Superman anymore.
Now backtracking a few years, another adaptation of Superman had jumped onto the scene in 2001: Smallville, a show about Superman before he became Superman. In this show, you picked up when Clark Kent was starting high school. This was during the height of teenage soap opera-type shows on nearly every network. The show went for ten seasons, which is a testament to its popularity, even when some seasons lulled in ratings. Tom Welling portrayed a convincing young adolescent Clark trying to cope with gaining extraordinary abilities, learning he was an alien, and trying to be just a normal kid. For me, the relatability Tom Welling portrayed was astounding. I was in school at the same age as the Clark from the show. While I didn’t have superpowers, it really struck home because Clark was a popular outsider. He had a lot of friends, but very few he could trust to actually share his life with. Being a teen myself at the time, I have a strong bias in favor of this show, but it paralleled many moments of my life in strange ways. Coincidentally, I broke up with a long-time girlfriend the week before Clark bid farewell to Lana for good. I bought a wedding ring for my now-wife the week before it was revealed Clark had one for Lois. I even traditionally asked her father for his blessing the week before Clark did on the show. With all that, it made me connect with this show on a personal level. That being said, while having ten seasons does lend itself to a lot of character development, it allowed audiences the chance to see what shaped Superman into who he is. Tom Welling did an outstanding job showing the trials and tribulations a young Clark would go through, all while struggling with the morality and temptations a teenager with superpowers would have. The show did end on a great send-off in 2011, wrapping up his story with a promise of who the character would eventually become.
Next, only two years after Smallville ended and seven years after Superman Returns, another big-screen Superman adventure was released. ‘Man of Steel’ was a stark contrast to what had come before. The movie had a much darker tone, but in the scenes with Superman, Henry Cavill brought hope and inspired a generation. It also thrust him fully into the limelight of stardom. He portrayed a muscle-rippling man’s man of a Superman. His portrayal of Clark Kent was more of a suave, nerdy look, but it was hard to deny his stature, which made the Clark side in public seem off. For me, the raw emotion invoked from the music and scenes like his first flight are what set this apart from the other movies up to that point. Throughout the movie, you get glimpses into his past, and as it goes along, he gets to finally embrace who he is, only to be chastised for wanting to do the right thing. In ‘Batman vs. Superman,’ he saved the entire world but was attacked from every angle for his efforts. He was forced into a difficult situation of stopping Zod while trying to minimize damage, but it was inevitable. Unfortunately, because of Zod’s actions, he faced the repercussions. This mirrored the witch hunt against the U.S.’s pursuit of first responders. I won’t go into detail on all that, but Superman was hated for doing the best he could to save and help people, so much so that he even “dies” for them. People clamor to say it was a dark and brooding Superman, but in every scene (besides physical battles or his realization of failure at the Congress building) he provided hope or smiles everywhere else. While I personally loved the “Snyder Cut” of ‘Justice League,’ overall, it has hurt more than helped the current state of affairs for DC. The portrayal by Henry Cavill was superb; things change, and franchises decide to go in different directions as time passes. More on that later.
The next live-action portrayal was by Tyler Hoechlin. He started as Superman on the show Supergirl on the CW. His version of Superman was loved enough that they decided to give him his own spinoff, ‘Superman & Lois.’ The catch to this show was a disconnect from everything the CW had done prior. It was placed in the future, several years after all the other shows of its time. The show did benefit from a more cinematic feel, which helped it shine above other cable TV shows at the time. The tone for this show fit our modern societal understanding in 2025. A little difference for this show, though: Clark and Lois are now parents to two teen sons. They also have to deal with the dilemma of one son having powers and the other not. It does a good job for adults, showing the struggle of work and home while raising kids. It helped adults who loved the drama relate to the characters while they dealt with pressing problems that may have been issues in real life for families and kids, all with a superhero flair to the show. So far, the show has had very few detractors voiced about it.
That brings us to the current and future of Superman. David Corenswet will be the actor donning the role of Superman for the foreseeable future. Director James Gunn has chosen him to be the cornerstone of his new DCU that is coming. Based on Gunn’s previous works, I’m extremely excited for what’s to come. He has announced many projects that offer numerous possibilities. I honestly have never seen David Corenswet’s work, but from the trailer and the trust in James Gunn, I think everything is well in hand. Before Guardians of the Galaxy, who would have thought Andy Dwyer (Chris Pratt) from Parks and Recreation could be a superhero action star?
With ALL of that, I have to say, let change happen. As individuals and as a society, we change as the years pass. It’s great to love what came before, but don’t let it blind you to the possibility of what is to come. Any true fan should be excited that the legacy of Superman is getting to continue with the possibility of so much more on the horizon!